Get to Know
Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety can be one of the most serious conditions any pet dog can have. It goes beyond the normal whimper or bark when you leave the house or the shredded tissue or messy house waiting for you upon your return. It’s also not the same as boredom, and unlike a little mischief when your dog is left alone, separation anxiety is the result of legitimate stress.
What Are the Signs of Anxiety?
Dogs can exhibit stress in many ways, so there is no one defining it. Instead, there are a variety of symptoms. One or two of them, especially if they only happen occasionally, may not be a sign of puppy separation anxiety. But if your puppy shows multiple symptoms on a regular basis, he may be suffering from SA. Here are some behaviours your dog may exhibit:
· Anxious behaviours like pacing, whining, or trembling while you’re gone or as you prepare to leave.
· Excessive barking or howling.
· Destructive acts, such as chewing or digging.
· Accidents in the house – urinating or defecating.
· Excessive salivation, drooling, or panting.
· Desperate and prolonged attempts to escape confinement, potentially ending in serious injury.
Call or Book Now For Separation anxiety class at your home @ $200 per class!
Separation anxiety can be difficult to treat as the problem obviously occurs when you are not home.
Early prevention and treatment is the key along with management and even medication with severe cases. Its one of the most common reasons owners give up their dogs.